Technology in education (3)

Technology TImeline

  • Chalkboard

    other than paper, pencil, and textbooks, Chalkboards were an essential technology in my education. They were found in every class and grade all the way through my graduation
  • Record Player

    Record Player
    This was the 1980's audio book version, I remember the teacher sending for the record player and it would take two students to carry. I was so much fun to listen and follow along to books. from 1st to 3rd grade I believe.
  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    This is the next technology I remember from 4th grade. The teachers would pull out their transparencies, turn off the light and write. Then some made hard copies to reuse them. It was state of the art.
  • 1st Classroom Computer

    1st Classroom Computer
    In the fifth grade, I remember our school getting our first computers. I don't remember using them for much, but do remember having to type in codes to make them perform an operation. Education would never be the same.
  • Encyclopedia

    I remember learning how to write a research paper our English teacher taking us to library and teaching us how to use the library for research. The most important research material were found in the Encyclopedias.
  • Computer Lab

    Computer Lab
    In middle school everyone would be able to take computers. It mostly consisted on teaching how to program computers and save your programs on a floppy disk. I found no interest in it and we still had to go to the library for researching.
  • Typing Class

    Typing Class
    In high school, I took typing class. There was computers or typing and one could choose either one as an elective. It is mind boggling how much technology has changed our worlds and typewriters no longer exist.
  • First Home Computer

    First Home Computer
    My Husband and I buy our own personal computer. I had decided to go to college for the first time and the internet was becoming more popular. Emails and cell phones were becoming the new norm. I also bought my son's 1st computer game.
  • Laptop and internet

    Laptop and internet
    I decided to return to school and technology has really changed from the home computer system I was used to. Everyone has a laptop and there is wireless internet is now available. There was so much one could do and so much freedom. I recall learning about on-line classes and thinking; I can't do that. Here I am with three on-line classes this semester
  • Internet at your fingertips

    Internet at your fingertips
    Who would have thought that we would have access to the world at our finger tip and all times. Cell phones have become instrumental not only in education, but in life as well. I email and respond to professors, read assignments, search the internet, and my son will even complete assignments through his phone. I am not there yet. But professors have had us use our cell phones for a game of Kahoot! so much fun!