Birthday: Vaccinations
I was given the Hep B Vaccine shortly after birth and just before the hospital was evacuated due to a bomb threat. What a day to celebrate the beginning of life with my wonderful childhood family under the example of incredible parents. -
Period: to
Personal Appreciation for Old Inventions
3 Yrs: Anesthesia
After receiving localized anesthesia, I sang "Ten Little Monkeys" while the doctor stitched me up. Instead of the doctor saying "No more monkeys jumping on the bed", I had him saying "Ouch!" as I improvised the lyrics. -
4 Yrs: Radio
I performed my first public solo from a song learned from the radio. Singing became my childhood career and my sister and I enjoyed performing as frequently as three times a week for many and most of our formative years. -
2 Yrs: Television
My family gifted a new COLOR television our family for Christmas when I was just two years old, the baby of nine children. -
9 Yrs: Pasteurization
Our milk cows were no longer used for milk, homemade ice cream and other delicious foods from the best cook on the planet! My mother excelled in the arts of cooking, sewing, and painting. She was never idle but always took time to gently nurture and teach. -
10 Yrs: Personal Computer
Our highschool was the first school that contained a computer lab used to create documents and our family stopped using a typewriter. -
16 Yrs: Paper Money
Although I contributed obediently to our family's chore requirements, I never received an allowance but always felt my personal needs were comfortably met. Still, I was grateful to make a little more money with my first job as a store cashier. -
18 Yrs: Airplane
I flew to Chicago to compete in a national ballroom competition. This was my first experience traveling above the ground. Family trips were plentiful in our motorhome. -
22 Yrs: Industrial Steelmaking
My father finally retired from his chosen profession of Industrial Maintenance Engineer Manager at United States Steel. He worked many long hours to unselfishly support our family by repairing heavy equipment. He even invented and patented his own steelmaking furnace. -
24 Yrs: Oil Drilling
After my father's retirement, he wrote his first patent for refining oil from shale. He has yet to market his ideas. -
100 Yrs: Mechanized Clock
I am awaiting the day when I will apply the technology needed to properly quantify time in my life!!! There is so much to do and never enough time to do it.