Technology Timeline

  • Telex messaging network comes online

    Telex messaging network comes online
    Like the volkswagon, telex messaging is from a early time of germany's Third Reich.
  • The complex number calculator (cnc) is completed

    The complex number calculator (cnc) is completed
    This computer was used as a calculator, and was demonstrated at the American Mathematical Society Conference held at Dartmouth College.
  • Konrad Zusefinishes the Z3 Computer

    Konrad Zusefinishes the Z3 Computer
    The Z3, was built by Konrad Zusefinishes, and was used for aerodyanmic calculators. The Z3 is currently at the Deutsches Museum in Munich.
  • ERA 1101

    ERA 1101
    The ERA 1101 was built by Remington-Rand, and was used for high-speed computing and stored 1 million bits on its magnetic drum.

    COBOL stands for "common buisness- oriented language", and was desingned for buisness use.
  • CP/M is developed

    CP/M is developed
    The CP/M was built by Gary Kildall, and was used for Intergalactic Digital Research.
  • VIC - 20

    VIC - 20
    The VIC - 20 waas designed by commodore, and was the first computer to sell more than a million units.
  • Acorn Archimedes is released

    Acorn Archimedes is released
    Acorn Aechimedes was designed by one of britains leaders and was the first microprocesser in the company's Archimedes computer.
  • IBM 9345 hard drive disk

    IBM 9345 hard drive disk
    The IBM was used for a disk drive, and it's codename was " The Sawmill "
  • DARPA's Centibots project

    DARPA's Centibots project
    The Centibots project was designed by the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency and was used to communicate with each other to coordinate their effort.
  • Drop Box

    The Drop Box was designed by Arashferdowis and Drew Houston. The Drop Box was used as a storage and access to files.
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    The MacBook Air as up too about 12 hours of battery life until it dies, and is an 13-inch computer.
  • Rasberry Pi

    Rasberry Pi
    The Rasberry Pi is a creditcard- size sing board computer
  • ipad Pro

    ipad Pro
    The ipad pro is now the newest and biggest ipad made, and is also the fastest iOS device ever.
  • Iphone 7

    Iphone 7
    The Iphone 7 was designed by Apple, and was just anounced on September 9th, 2016.