Technology Timeline

  • Programming class in High School

    First experience I can remember with computers in school. I had a basic programming class in high school during my Junior year.
  • Bought first PC for College

    Bought first PC for College
    Bought first MAC PC for college/home billing
    image from
  • First Cell Phone

    First Cell Phone
    I was pregnant with my first son and my husband made sure I had my very first cell phone. image from Wikipedia
  • First Laptop computer

    First Laptop computer
    First Laptop computer to complete household chores and college classes. Image from Wikipedia.
  • Second IMAC computer was purchased

    Second IMAC computer was purchased
    Newer computer was needed for college classes and storage. Image from
  • First IPhone was purchased

    First IPhone was purchased
    IPhone was purchased-smart phone to allow texting and surfing the internet. Image from Wikipedia
  • The use of Google Docs

    The use of Google Docs
    I started to use Google Docs in school to plan, communicate, and share ideas with colleagues. Image credit Google
  • Bought first Chromebook

    Bought first Chromebook
    Bought first chromebook that has only google docs on it to be used for school work. Image from

    Purchased second smartphone to be able to keep in touch with my boys, surf the web, update my calendar, keep up with my social media accounts. Image from
  • Learning Management System-Schoology

    Learning Management System-Schoology
    In the Spring of 2019, teachers had a two week crash course on learning how to navigate Schooology. This is now the platform used to deliver lessons to students during virtual learning. In addition it is a gradebook and links to our report cards. Image
  • Another New IMAC PC

    Another New IMAC PC
    A newer IMAC was needed for updated materials and storage. A new operating system was required for the older one and it did not have enough memory to support it. Image from
  • New Apple MacBook Air

    New Apple MacBook Air
    My chromebook was becoming very outdated and I needed a computer of my own to complete my college work. Image