The greatest inventions in computer programming

  • First Computer "Difference engine"

    First Computer "Difference engine"
    The first computer was proposed as a mechanical computer that was used to output mathematical tables
  • First general purpose computer "Analytical Engine"

    First general purpose computer "Analytical Engine"
    The “Analytical Engine” was also a proposed mechanical computer, the input of which was supposed to be punched cards, with programs and data punched on them. Another brainchild of Charles Babbage, this machine was also not completed.
  • Period: to

    First Computer Program: algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers

    Ada Lovelace (world’s first computer programmer) began translating Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea’s records on Babbage’s analytical engine in 1841. During the translation, she became interested in the machine and left notes with her translation. One of the notes – note G, contained the algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers by the analytical engine, considered to be the very first computer program.
  • First Working Programmable Computer: Z3

    First Working Programmable Computer: Z3
    Konrad Zuse (the Inventor of Computers) already had a working mechanical computer Z1 but it worked for only a few minutes at a time. The use of a different technology – relays, led to Z2 and eventually Z3. Z3 was an electromagnetic computer for which programs and data were stored on external punched tapes. It was a secret project of the German government and put to use by The German Aircraft Research Institute. The original machine was destroyed in the bombing of Berlin in 1943.
  • First Electronic Computer: Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)

     First Electronic Computer: Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC)
    Created by John Vincent Atanasoff & Clifford Berry, the hence named Atanasoff-Berry Computer or ABC was used to find the solution for simultaneous linear equations.