Technology Timeline

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    Technology Timeline

  • Desktop Computer

    Our family purchased our first desktop computer. I was so happy. Everyday after school I would play computer games. My favorite game was Minecraft. It made our lives so easy.
  • First Laptop

    Our family got rid of our desktop computer and we upgraded to a laptop. I was very excited I only saw these on tv and in the stores and now it was in my home. It made our lives to easy. You can carry the laptop around the house and use it for whatever you want.
  • First iPhone

    I remember the first time I got my iPhone. I was a sophomore in high school and was so excited, I could finally talk to my friends and use social media. It made my life way more easier for communication and navigation.
  • Apple Watch

    I remember the first time purchased my apple watch. I was so happy because I always wanted one and saved my money to buy one. I was happy I could read my messages without opening my phone and call people with it.
  • First personal laptop

    When graduation came, my parents bought me my own laptop. I was filled with emotions. I couldn't believe it was all mine. I was so blessed and happy. it. It has made my college life so easy and I was use it on the go.