
Technology Timeline

  • VHS Rewinder

    VHS Rewinder
    Would rewind VHS tapes back to beginning after done watching in VCR. Would receive a fine if the VHS was rented from Blockbuster and not rewound for next watcher.
  • Macintosh Computers

    Macintosh Computers
    Big beige computers we used in elementary school. I remember playing the Oregon Trail on this. Had floppy disk slits.
  • Gameboy Color

    Gameboy Color
    Color on device and in screen graphics. Smaller and less bulky than previous gameboy.
  • DVDs

    Smaller movie and package. Lighter. Didn't need to rewind.
  • Sidekick II (2)

    Sidekick II (2)
    Different style of cell phone. Bigger screen than previous cell phone models. Screen swiveled to open and reveal full keyboard.