Technology Timeline

By Sydkwok
  • Punch Card

    Punch Card
    A punch card, is essentially a piece of hardened paper (thin cardboard) that contains digital information. This information is represented by the presence or absence of holes in certain positions. It was only capable of storing text based information.
  • IBM harvard mark 1

    IBM harvard mark 1
    A IBM Harvard mark 1 was used to get the german nazi’s codes and break them. It could solve all kind of difficult math problems
  • Sketchpad

    Ivan Sutherland created sketchpad to help change the way people interacted with computers.
  • Pocket Calculator

    Pocket Calculator
    The first pocket calculator was invented by sharp cooperation which was the first calculater which was tiny as back then they were huge and almost impossible to carry.
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    A sony Walkman was used for portable audio cassette players. Back then these were the new ipods
  • Iphone 3G

    Iphone 3G
    The iphone 3G is a Smartphone and is used to call people or search the web, take pics, sms and normal phone abilities but with a lot apps.
  • Ipad

    The ipad was made in 2010 and was meant to be like the iphone. Except that you can’t call. You can buy stuff, watch movies, surf the net etc.
  • IBM Selectric II (dual Latin/Hebrew typeball and keyboard)

    IBM Selectric II (dual Latin/Hebrew typeball and keyboard)
    The type writer is like word document. But you would only have one font and it would go from left to right never back so if you make a mistake you have to start again
  • Asimo 2012 (HONDA)

    Asimo 2012 (HONDA)
    Asimo a humanoid robot, which is designed by HONDA. And it is now been designed to be able to run, greet people, and avoid people.
  • Zx Spectrum

    Zx Spectrum
    A Zx spectrum was like a computer except that it was very slow and could only play a couple games.