Technology Time

  • Viewmaster

    I remember always looking at my viewmaster. I LOVED it!
  • GMC Pacer

    GMC Pacer
    My dad talked me into buying a Pacer for my first car. I HATED it! I thought it looked like a space ship.
  • Rotary Phone

    Rotary Phone
    I remember spending hours on our rotary phone when I was a teenager.
  • Record Player

    Record Player
    My sister and I would sing to ACDC, Abba, and other albums while listening to them on a record player.
  • Atari Game System

    Atari Game System
    My best and I LOVED playing video games after school on the Atari.
  • Walkman

    In high school I loved to ski and listen to 'Eye of the Tiger' on my walkman.
  • First School Computer

    First School Computer
    When I was a junior in high school I remember walking into the computer lab for the first time and seeing a computer that looks like this one.
  • Power Barbie Jeep

    Power Barbie Jeep
    My husband and I bought our girls a jeep like this that they loved driving around the yard.
  • Flat Screen TV

    Flat Screen TV
    I remember when our daughter shattered our first 66 inch flat screen a month after we bought it.
  • Canon Rebel Digital Camera

    Canon Rebel Digital Camera
    I would love a super high tech digital camera.