History of EdTech

  • 4000 BCE

    Oral Communication: Speech

    Oral Communication: Speech
    Communicating with the modern devices used today, was imposible for the ancients. They were not able to use even writing to create books so as to educate the young ones. For this reason, they transmited knowledge by means of oral speech, There might be some people chaunting didactically or telling stories about that nation with the help of cave wall picures. "To
    be learned, they had to be memorized by listening, not by reading, and transmitted by recitation, not by
    writing." ( Bates, 2015).
  • 3500 BCE

    Written Communication: Cuneiform

    Written Communication: Cuneiform
    At some point people needed a permanent communication channel for administrative and registrational works. Consequently, first primitive writtings began to be used. Between the 34 century B. C. and the first centuries of common era cuneiform was used to write in diverse language in Mediterranean to Iranian and Arabian peninsula. ( Glassner, 2003)
  • 1450

    Invention of Printing Press

    Invention of Printing Press
    İnvention of printing press was a milestone to reach information, enhance it and spread. In fact, the modern civilizations of todays would be unthinkable without printing press ( Boerner, Rubin, Severgnini, 2021). Spreading printed texts leads reformation to question and seek true understanding not dictated by church or some selected humans. People began to print educatory books and education began to be formal.
  • Public Education : Blackboard

    Public Education : Blackboard
    Public Education started to be shaped around 1800s. With the formal education transformation which was systematized, learners began to be filled to specific field, classes, and educators gave them lessons. At this point, blackboards was great tools so as to clarify the subject on them. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s).
  • Broadcasting: Transition to Modern Age

    Broadcasting: Transition to Modern Age
    From the begining of 1990s, broadcasts were began to be sent with the creation of devices like radio or television. This situation , reaching information easily, has affected educational movements, too. "The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began broadcasting educational radio programs for
    schools in the 1920s." ( Bates, 215 , p. 217). Afterwards, different types of educational brodcasting have continue to be presented on radios, channels and socail media platforms.
  • Computer: Space Age Technology

    Computer: Space Age Technology
    In our age, obtaining information, being educated even having a ordinary day is impossible to imagine without computers. Having been invented in early years of 20th century, computer technology has changed education process dramatically as well as our lives. Now, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) is an indispensiible components of education and it seems to keep changing and converting education in the following decades. (Rahimi, Pourshahbaz, 2019).
  • Computer-based Learning: WWW

    Computer-based Learning: WWW
    With the bursting of the computers and being widespread, there have been attempts to develop besides regenerate it. Digital communication and networking in education, started in 1980s, became popular in the 1990s, in particular through the World-Wide Web (WWW)(http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Educational_technology). After this point, compuer technologies have became for eveyone to reach informaton and be educated.
  • Search Engines

    Search Engines
    Internet search engines, with Google created in 1999 as one of foremosts, were introduced towards the end of 1990s and in the beggining of 21st century. ( Bates, 2015). Search engines have enhanced the usage scope of digital technology to get information. For instance gmail, microsoft teams or google scholar, which they are derivatives of Google, are used in the process of education today.
  • Learning with Social Media

    Learning with Social Media
    Covering our daily life, social media is not be thought that it is not affect education. Social media usage has increased dramatically with widespreading of digital technology from the 2010s. Edmodo can be a nice example. It is a social network which is used many people including educators and learners in diverse ages for many educational purposes such as discussion, group organization, and receiving instant feedback (Almatrody and Alhassan, 2017 as cited in Almoeather, 2019).
  • Virtual Reality

    Virtual Reality
    The importance of accesing online education has increased because online education and virtual reality supported education have lots of advantages for better, productive learning. Studying and following the instruction at the same time, practicing without having to interrupt are the reasons of demand for augmented reality. In addition to these, virtual reality education offers activities like visiting museums, botanical garden for educational purposes. ( Bazavan, et all., 2021).

    ----Almoether, R., (2019), Effectiveness of blackboard and edmodo in self-regulated learning and educational satisfaction, 21, Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education-TOJDE ----Bazavan, L., Cismoru, S., I., Roibu, H., George, B., N., Petcu, F., B., Virtual reality and Augmented reality in education, (2021), 2021 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE).

    ----Boerner, L., Rubin, J., Severgnini, B., (2021), A time to print, a time to reform, 138, European Economic Review. ----Bates, T., (2015), Teaching in a digital age: Guidelines for designing teaching and learning. ----Rahimi, M., Pourshahbaz, S., (2019), English as a foreign language track: Emerging research and opportunities.

    ----Almatrody, A. & Alhassan, R. (2017). The effect of teaching using cooperative learning through educational
    social network Edmodo on the academic achievement in a computer course. International Journal
    for Research in Education, 41(4), 115-148. ----Visual References