Technology Project - Clara 9B

  • Ada Lovelace - Mathematician

    Ada Lovelace - Mathematician
    Ada Lovelace was a British mathematician and writer, mainly known for her algorithm made to be processed/used by Charles Babbage mechanical computer, the Analytic Engine. Augusta Ada Lovelace is referred to as one of or if not the first female computer programmer. Ada made a large impact on the computer science today when she invented the first algorithm. This has made her one of the most important persons for the growth of computer science.
  • John Atanasoff - Physician

    John Atanasoff - Physician
    John Atanasoff was an American physician that originated from Bulgaria. He invented the first electronic/digital computer. The Atanasoff-Berry Computer. His invention, later on, gave Presper Eckert and John Mauchly inspiration to build the famous ENIAC computer. John's invention is one of the most crucial to computer science since he invented the first actual computer. This has made him one of the major people in the technology world.
  • Thomas Flowers - Engineer

    Thomas Flowers - Engineer
    Thomas Flowers was an English engineer that designed and built the world's first programmable electronic computer,Colossus.The computer was originally made for the British General Post Office so that they would be able to solve the encrypted German messages during World War 2.Thomas Harold Flowers invention both helped during war but has also had an important influential part on today's science due to that he creation of the first electronic computer that can understand code and is programmable.
  • Grace Hopper - Computer Pioneer

    Grace Hopper - Computer Pioneer
    Grace Hopper was an American computer pioneer who was part of the team that developed the UNIVAC 1 computer. Her programming translated English phrases into computer-readable machine language.Hopper had completed her A-0 System program by 1952. Hopper has made an impact due to that she made programming easier since her program made the computers be able to convert them into machine code.This helped the computer science's development due to that data processors was able to write code in English.
  • Douglas Engelbart - Computer Developer

    Douglas Engelbart - Computer Developer
    Douglas Engelbart was an American inventor and computer developer mainly known for his invention of the first computer mouse and hypertext. At the "Fall Joint Computer Conference" in San Francisco, the 9th of December 1968 was the first time he introduced the system with a mouse.
    Douglas had a significant impact on the technology world today and really advanced computer technology by inventing the computer mouse, his invention has made very many people's life easier.
  • Judea Pearl - Computer Science

    Judea Pearl - Computer Science
    Judea Pearl is a computer scientist that is known for his research on artificial intelligence and the growth of Bayesian networks, that is algorithms that models sequences of variables, used to figure the chances of diverse present diseases based on symptoms.He has impacted todays computer science due to that he has a anticipation method to artificial intelligence as well as the growth of the networks. His work has influenced many and given another perspective on the futures computer science.
  • Patrick Hanrahan - Computer graphics researcher

    Patrick Hanrahan - Computer graphics researcher
    Patrick Hanrahan is an computer graphics researcher who is mainly known for his leading role as scientist and his founding of Tableau Software. Pat Hanrahan's studies is mainly focused on algorithms, graphics processing units as well as scientific illustration and visualization.Patrick research is helping the computer science today and has also influenced movie animations due to that he was a founding employee at Pixar Animation Studios with his expertise of visualization and computer graphics.
  • Bill Gates - Computer Pioneer and Philanthropist

    Bill Gates - Computer Pioneer and Philanthropist
    Bill Gates is co founder of the worlds most successful personal-computer software company. Microsoft launched in 1975 and got its name due to that the original was too long, meaning that microsoft is a short for micro-computer software. Bill Gates is currently working full time within Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which they are founders of. The computer software program has impacted the computer world in a large scale and microsoft software is installed/installable in almost every computer.