technology project #2 P2 1900-1920

  • 1901

    The Assassination of President William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt becomes President
  • 1902

    In the United States, a five-month strike by the United Mine Workers ends.
  • 1903

    The first west-east transatlantic radio broadcast is made from the United States to England.
  • 1904

    Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine, the constructin of the Panama Canal begins.
  • 1905

    Russo-Japanese War, The Russian Army surrenders at Port Arthur
  • 1906

    Hepburn Act 5/29/1906
  • 1907

    Pure Food and Drug Act
  • 1908

    Ford Model T
  • 1909

    William H. Taft becomes president
  • 1910

    many race riots took place
  • 1911

    Mexican Revolution: Rebels take Agua Prieta on the Sonora–Arizona border; government troops take the town back April 17 when the rebel leader "Red" López is drunk.
  • 1912

    Sinking of the RMS Titanic: RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg in the northern Atlantic Ocean and sinks with the loss of between 1,517 and 1,636 lives. The wreck would not be discovered until 1985.
  • 1913

    Election of Woodrow Wilson
  • 1914

    World War 1 begins,
    U. S. troops occupy Vera Cruz,
  • 1915

    U. S. troops sent to Haiti 7/5/1915
    Lusitania sunk, U. S. intervened 7/28/1915
  • 1916

    Germany issues Sussex pledge
  • 1917

    Russian Revolution Mar 8, 1917
    U.S. enters WW1 April 2, 1917
  • 1918

    WW1 ends Treaty of Versailles
  • 1919

    Eighteenth Amendment prohibits alcoholic beverages
  • 1920

    Nineteenth Amendment gives women the right to vote