First computer

Technology Progression

By Garbot
  • Hollerith Punch Card

    Hollerith Punch Card
    Hollerith developed data processing
  • Steam Calculator

    Steam Calculator
    The Difference Machine designed and constructed by Charles Babbage.
  • Hewlett Packard

    Hewlett Packard
    Founded by William R. Hewlett and David Packard
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Designed the Automatic Computer Engine (ACE), an early electronic serial stored-program computer.

    Grace Hopper lead a team to develop the computer language starting in 1959.
  • Engelbart GUI

    Engelbart GUI
    First computer to use GUI was Xerox Alto, never commercially released.
  • Apple

    Founded by Steve Jobs & Steve Wozniak
  • Windows OS

    Windows OS
    Developed by Bill Gates and Paul Allen as a GUI for MS-DOS
  • Tim Berners Lee

    Tim Berners Lee
    Invented the internet.
  • WiFi

    Wi-Fi (802.11 standard)
    Created by Vic Hayes
  • iPhone

    First released. iPod Touch released same year.
  • Chromebook

    Begins shipping
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    Official Release