Technology Progression

  • Bose Quite Comfort Headphones

    Bose Quite Comfort Headphones
    Bose previously manufactured noise canceling headphones for pilots. However, in 2000, they were released to the public as headphones to listen to music, with the added capability of cutting down background noise.
  • Period: to

    Technology Progression

  • GameCube

    Developed and Manufactured by Nintendo. A gaming console with a more advanced controller design and more extensive capabilities than its predecessor, the N64. Enhanced gaming by using disk drives instead of cartridges.
  • BlackBerry Smartphones

    BlackBerry Smartphones
    Following the two-way pager, the BlackBerry cellphone added the capabilities to not only call, but to text, email, and use other internet services like browsing the web as well. This allowed for cellphones to become more of a mainstream possession.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    A team led by Jeff Bezos created this tablet with the function to read books in an efficient way. This allowed users to download many books that could be read on the same platform and transported along with the user easily.
  • LED TVs

    LED TVs
    Sony manufactured the first LED TV. This allowed for TV sets to be sold as a flat panel rather than a bulky box. They use small lights behind a screen to produce vivid and clear pictures on a display. This paved the way for how most TVs are now manufactured as LED.