1950s cover photo

Technology of the 1950s


    The UNIVAC was designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly in 1951. It was the first commercially produced digital computer at the time a was made to replace the punch card machines. It was the fastest business device at the time with fast execution of simple arithmetic and data transport operations.
  • A-0 system

    A-0 system
    A-0, also known as Arithmetic Language version 0, was written and completed in 1952 by Grace Hopper. A-0 translated mathematical codes into machine-readable, binary codes to give a computer instructions. She paved the way for future programmers and helped in the creation of modern programming languages.
  • Fortran

    Fortran was created John Backus in 1954, and is still widely used today. It is a general purpose programming language mainly used for mathematical computations. It made many opportunities in modern day computing possible.
  • Microchip

    In 1958, Jack Kilby created the first integrated circuit (microchip). The microchip is a single component that can act as may things including an amplifier, counter, timer, computer memory, and microprocessor. It's a big reason why phones and computers are so widespread today.
  • LISP

    LISP (list processing) was created by John McCarthy in 1958. It is a programming language which helped programmers easily manipulate data strings. LISP is still widely used today for AI programs.