Technology support has been established in this building since the school opened in 2002. There are 2 technology savvy people that can help with problems in the building such as network issues or problems with technology programs. Additionally, the district has an actual technology office that repairs computers for teachers/administrators. It is nice to have onsite people to go to when technology gives us problems, which it does from time to time. -
Ethical/Legal Issues
Ethical and legal issues will probably always be an issue with technology and education. In our district we have rights to use multimedia tools that come with our curriculum. We are also able to use Youtube and other tools with a password as studnets do not have access to these. -
Shared Vision
When our building opened they decided against putting traditional desktop computers in each classroom. The technology committee decided to use the money to purchase a cart to hold 30 laptops so that teachers could reserve these labs to use in the classroom. We DO have 5 regular stationary labs, however with the mobile labs we could have a traveling system. NOW in 2013 we have 4 mobile labs . Most of these were purchased with our budget, however the MACBook Pro Lab was purchased by StuCo -
Planning: Technology Committee
The Technology Committee not only involves school leaders and administrators in our school but also teachers throughout the building. Together they have monthly meetings and report their minutes and conversations to the rest of the staff. We are notified by new tools being brought in and also new rules/regulations that we need to follow regarding the new technology. -
Professional Development
I am going to put this date for the professional development because this is when I was hired in my district. The professional development is at the district level. School leaders give each teacher the opportunity to participate in mandatory professional development. They are called FLEX hours and need to be completed at the end of the year. There are options for each teacher to choose, so I could choose a technology course if I wanted or could teach a Web 2.0 session. -
All mobile labs were integrated for teacher use by at least 2009 with a new Dell Mobile lab coming this year. The use of Technology Web 2.0 integration in the individual classrooms is not monitored or even really discussed in our building. Technology professional development is given at the district level. School leaders do model use of some technology (Power Points, etc.) but
do not ensure that it is integrated in the classroom. -
https://wapp.lps.org/gold/resources/index/.cfmTeachers in our building all have access to technology. We all have our own laptops to use as well as LCD projectors to use as an interactive tool in the classroom. Additionally, we have the mobile labs/5 stationary labs that can be reserved 2 weeks in advance. The technology committee set up a link that teachers can go to, then log in and choose the lab that they want to reserve. We do not have a mobile lab for each classroom, however it is equitable as each teacher has access to the labs. -
Assessment & Evaluation
Again, the technology committee does not assess or evaluate technology that is being used in the classroom for student learning. I would say that is assessed by the appraising administrators that each teacher has. Teachers are appraised each year by an administrator and I know that there are assessments with technology. Teachers may have individual goals that have to do with implementing more technology too. -
This year I started building in community with my technology integration. I am going to use Edmodo as an example because I just set up 3 class blogs for my classes. It is set to a private community (the classes themselves) but there is an option to invite parents. This is a nice way to incorporate the community. Additionally, our district has a Facebook page to connect with community members. -
My thoughts
I have never studied this before and it was very interesting to me. With my school it was hard to apply this to technology training with Web 2.0 tools so I just used the Tech Committee as a starting point to look at leadership with actual technology tools NEEDED to use the Web 2.0 tools.