Phase I
HHS has already established a multi-year plan/budget to incorporate educational technology into classrooms. The initial phase of the plan called for all ELA classes to have a 1:1 ratio for Chromebooks in their classrooms. At this point it is time to gather information from the ELA classrooms as to how they have been able to incorporate technology into the classroom, what have been the pros and cons, and what support they may be in need of. -
Online Learning Communities
HHS staff begin receiving PD on Online Learning Communities. HHS staff begin collaborating through the use of Online Learning Communities. -
Phase II
ELA teachers can provide professional development on Google Classroom and Flipped Classroom to Social Studies Teachers. 1:1 Chromebooks in all Social Studies Classrooms. At least 50% of ELA teachers implement Flipped Classroom Ideas. HHS students start authorizing their own content via YouTube, Google Apps, or Prezi. HHS starts incorporating digital books in Social Studies and ELA classrooms. -
Period: to
Social Studies Classroom Impementation
Period: to
Ongoing Professional Development and Staff Feedback
Period: to
Whole School Implementation
Phase III
ELA teachers and Social Studies Teachers provide professional development to Science and Math teachers. 1:1 Chromebooks to student ratio in each Science and Math class. 50% of Social Studies and 75% of ELA teachers implement Flipped Classroom ideas, Google Apps. HHS author their own content & begin creating social media collaboration groups. -
Period: to
Math & Science Classroom Implementation
Phase V
ELA teachers and Social Studies Teachers provide professional development to elective teachers. 1:1 Chromebooks to student ratio in each elective classroom. All HHS teacher incorporate the use of Google Apps and Flipped Classroom in their daily lessons. HHS author their own content & collaborate in learning networks within their own content areas and cross-curricular. The use of Educational Technology becomes the norm inside and outside of the classroom at HHS. -
Period: to
Elective Classroom Implementation