Technology in the Classroom

  • History Facts

    In the South, public schools were not common during the 1600s and the early 1700s. Families paid private tutors to educate their children.
  • History Facts

    The first schools in the 13 colonies opened in the 17th century. The Boston Latin School was the first public school opened in the United States.
  • History Facts

    Girls were usually taught how to read but not how to write in early America. This soon changes that later on.
  • History Facts

    The idea of a progressive education, educating the child to reach his full potential and actively promoting and participating in a democratic society, began in the late 1800s
  • History Education Facts

    Public Schooling in the South was not widespread until the Reconstruction Era after the American Civil War.
    All of these History Facts come from :
  • History Facts

    Early public schools in the United States did not focus on academics like math or reading. Instead they taught the virtues of family, religion, and community.
  • History Facts

    By the mid-19th century, academics became the sole responsibility of public schools.
  • History Facts

    Common schools educated students of all ages in one room with one teacher. Students did not attend these schools for free.
  • History Facts

    By 1900, 31 states had compulsory school attendance for students from ages 8-14. By 1918, every state required students to complete elementary school.
  • Lunch for Schools

    In 1946, Recognizing "the need for a school lunch program," the 79th Congress approves the National School Lunch Act. It feeds and continues to feed many students in school.
  • Release Time

    In the case of McCollum v. Board of Education. The Supreme Court decides that schools cannot allow "released time" during the school day which means it allows students to participate in religious education in their public school classrooms.
  • ACT testing

    The first ever ACT is first administered and taken.
  • ESEA is passed

    ESEA stands for Elementary and Secondary Education Act, meaning that it provides funds for low-income students.
  • Project Head Start

    A preschool program for children from low-income families. begins as an eight-week summer program. To this day as the longest-running anti-poverty program in the U.S.
  • Magnet School

    McCarver Elementary School becomes the first ever magnet school. Its in Washington.

    The ASVAB is introduced to for selections and recruits, It is used by all branches later on. Today the practice tests are online.
  • Special Education Laws

    In a court case, Diana vs California, it results in new laws for special education for possible testing on their primary language.
  • History Facts

    Through the 1960s, the United States had a racially segregated system of schools. The 1954 Brown vs. Board Supreme Court ruling impacted this. By the late 1970s segregated schooling in the United States was eliminated.
  • Mental free education

    In another case, it was brought up that people with mental retardation can achieve free public education.
  • E-Book

    Micheal Hart invents the E-book, this is a big technology advancement that will affect classrooms.
  • Texas Calculators

    Texas Instruments invents their first line of calculators and now is known all around the world.
  • Title IX

    This becomes a law, that there won't be any discrimination against women in sports and in education.
  • Handicapped Laws

    Federal law that requires that a free, public education, suited to the student's individual needs, and offered in the least restrictive be provided for all "handicapped" children.
  • Apple

    Apple makes more computers that are personal ones that allow students to have games such as Oregon Trail.
  • Board vs Pico

    This case says that librarians can't remove books if they deem them offensive.
  • Vlogs and Blogs

    Vlogs and Blogs can help in education as well. A teacher can use a blog or vlog to help students learning on communication and technology. With vlogs students can record a subject on Youtube. These build social skills and more technology practice. pg 197
  • Tech in the Classroom // Online School

    Now that internet and computers are used more in classrooms, they are now offering online courses such as this one. Online schools are schools that are growing in numbers and are growing for private charter schools.
    Found on pg 205 in the textbook.
  • Calculators and Graphing

    Ever since the calculator was invented the classroom was impacted. With new technology, they have advanced to graphing calculators. Technology like this gives advances to students in math classes and enhances their learning experience. Found on page 204.
  • Simulations

    A new technology advancement is this simulations. This means there are games that can virtually put you in a real life situation. Key to learning and helping a student- a simulation can be helpful to see the whole big picture. Found on page 202.
  • Virtual Field Trips

    Field trips don't have to be on the go anymore, these field trips can affect learning without going anywhere.This can be anywhere and cost nothing. You can use computer screens to go to Greece or the Rain Forests with just a single touch. Page 202 and 203 hold this information.
  • Spread sheets

    Google has been an great influence on education and google spreadsheets make it easy to collect and store data. It is a key tool for students to use and organize their data and use in the classroom. Page 200.
  • Projectors

    Projectors have really advanced throughout the years. We went from projectors to put onto a screen with an old projector that you would real out to a one where you can hook it up to your computer. Advance projectors make it easy for teachers to use to give presentations and speeches. Pg 195.
  • Digital Storytelling

    This is described as a project that can engage students with images, digital photos, and even recordings. The students can make their own story and make digital documentaries. This is engaging in the classroom and gets them involved. Pg 196.
  • Mind Maps

    Mind Maps are described as graphical representations that can demonstrate their understanding on a story or concept. They use this to clarify and organize their thoughts so students can learn easily. This tech is used in all ages and classrooms. Pg 197.
  • Ubiquitous Computing

    This large word simply means that students have access to a computer or a mobile device in a classroom. This advancement has really improved through out the years since technology is changing each day and year. They can access many things in the classroom to help better their grades and work. Pg 199.
  • Smart Boards

    A new thing that I know about from just being in school is a technology board that allows teachers to draw and hook up their computer to. The smart board allows teachers to give presentations on the board while drawing digitally on it. This is a great tool for the classroom.
  • 3-D Printing

    Unlike 2-D printing, 3-D printing allows students to make things that they can hold. They are the newest technology in printing and allows students to use their imagination and make objects from the screens. Pg 203 and 204.
  • Duolingo

    Duolingo is an app that you can get on your phone that helps you practice a different language that can help you in the class. This app reminds you to study and helps you through the basics. Pg 204 describes different language technology.
  • Eye and Head Tracking

    People with special needs also have great tech to help them in the classroom. Eye and Head tracking software that opens up opportunities for kids with special needs. This tech allows head movements to be tracked and records their movements in order for them to communicate with teachers. Pg 206.
  • Wikis

    Wikis are websites that are developed by multiple people that share info on a certain topic. Many students use these websites to gain information for projects and use them to study about a certain topic. Pg 209.