Ipadin classroom

Technology in the Classroom

  • School Museums

    School Museums
    School Museums were supplementary curriculum materials, such as portable exhibits, stereographs, slides, films, etc. A modern equivalent would be a community or school media center.
  • Motion Picture Projectors

    Motion Picture Projectors
    Motion picture projectors were one of the first media devices used in schools. In 1910, the first catalog of instructional films was published.
  • Audiovisual Instruction Movement

    Audiovisual Instruction Movement
    With the incorporation of sound into films, the term audiovisual instruction was created. This field included radio broadcasting, sound recordings, and sound motion pictures. Radio did not take off in classrooms, due to poor equipment and radio signals.
  • Military Classrooms

    Military Classrooms
    During World War II, the military used audiovisual instruction to create hundreds of training films. Training directors reports that the films increased attendance and reduced training time without having a negative impact on retention.
  • Instructional Television

    Instructional Television
    The 1950s showed large areas of growth in instructional television due to the creation of educational channels, such as PBS, and funding from the Ford Foundation
  • Computers and Instruction

    Computers and Instruction
    By 1983, over 40% of elementary schools and 75% of secondary schools were using personal computers in their classrooms
  • The Internet and Online Classrooms

    The Internet and Online Classrooms
    By the early 2000s, the Internet had allowed classrooms to shift from using computers as an instructional technology to entire classrooms being solely online. By 2002, 10% of university-level students were enrolled in at least one online class.