Technology in the 90s

  • First Web Server

    First Web Server
    The creation of the internet. Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliou created the first ever web sever. Without them we would never have the internet we have today. The internet opens many doors for us that never would have been opened without.
  • Pentium Microprocessor

    Pentium Microprocessor
    The Pentium Microprocessor was invented by the Intel corporation. The microprocessor advanced and enhanced the usage of graphics and music on PCs. It changed the way our computers work.
  • Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer
    Microsoft developed the Internet Explorer search engine. This is beneficial to us because when Google came out it began the competition of search engines which ultimately leads us to better and better computer search engines.
  • Google

    At Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry page developed the first ever Google search engine, known at the time as "BackRub". This development lead us to the official launch of Google in 1998 and the Google we have today, with the infinite expanse of knowledge we have access to.
  • Wifi

    Wifi begun being used and inserted itself into computing vocabulary. It took many people and several discovered to get Wifi to the point it was at in 1999 to begin widespread usage. People began to connect to the internet without wires, leading us to the advanced wireless technology we have today.