Technology in the 00's

  • First Camera Phone is Introduced

    In 2000, Japan's SoftBank introduced the first camera phone, J-Phone J-SH04. Camera had a maximum resolution of 0.11 megapixels and a 256-color display, and photos could be shared wirelessly.
  • The Roomba is Introduced

    iRobot's Roomba is introduced. Using a cleaning algorithm, the autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner could clean a room while detecting and avoiding obstacles.
  • Opportunity and Spirit Mars Rovers land in Mars

    Caltec designs both the Opportunity and Spirit Mars Rovers. Both landed in 2004 and ran 20 times longer than their planned lifetime of 90 days.
  • Nintendo Wii Comes to the Marketplace

    The Nintendo Wii introduced new ways of interacting with gaming systems. Its remote combined advanced gesture recognition into gaming, using accelerometer and optical sensor technologies to interact with the user. It allowed for games to incorporate a wide range of player physical movements.
  • The Macbook Air is Released

    Apple introduces their first ultra notebook - a light, thin notebook with high-capacity battery. The Air incorporated many of the technologies that had been associated with Apple's Macbook lines of laptops, including integrated camera, and Wi-Fi capabilities.