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History of Education and Technology
Horn-Books were used to help students learn verses. Horn-Books are lesson written on wooden paddles.
https://online.purdue.edu/ldt/learning-design-technology/resources/evolution-technology-classroom -
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History of Education and Technology
Magic Lanterns were used to enhance student involvement. They projected images printed on glass plates. https://online.purdue.edu/ldt/learning-design-technology/resources/evolution-technology-classroom -
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History of Education and Technology
Jacquard Looms were used to weave silk controlled by punch cards. Punch cards are used today in classroom computer programs today. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
Slates and chalk were used at desks by students. Slates were not convenient for long assignments. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
Blackboards were used by teachers at the same time. They were surrounded by wood so the slate would not break. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
A calculating engine was introduced that has lead to modern day digital computing. It was brought to knowledge that a computing device must have input, memory, a central processing unit, and an output device. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The first typewriter was made. This made the QWERTY keyboard and it is still used to this day. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
Stereoscopes were used to view images in 3D. Were used in classrooms to emphasize what the teacher was saying in 3D. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The film projector used film stips to project and was accompanied by audio. Was used to study a timeline. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The radio was used in classrooms to broadcast lessons to other schools. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The overhead projector was used by teacher instead of blackboards. Overhead projectors used transparent sheets and erasable markers. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The mimeograph was used in classrooms to print what the students needed. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
Students used headphones to listen to lessons and reinforce learned concepts. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The slide ruler was used to make scientific calculations before the calculator. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/ -
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History of Education and Technology
The handheld calculator was first used. http://www.ourict.co.uk/technology-education-history/(http://www.timetoast.com) -
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Present day Education and Technology
The internet is easier to access and numbers of hours spent on it are rising daily. p. 188 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Productivity tools let teachers accomplish tasks easier. p. 191 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Cognitive tools could be thought of computer applications, They engage and enhance student thinking. Teachers use them to create structure for their students. p. 191 -
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Present day Education and Technology
The internet allows students to do research faster. p.192 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Through collaboration, students can interact with others while doing homework. p.192 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Communication over the internet can connect students and teachers through podcasts. p.192 -
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Present day Education and Technology
While writing papers on computers students can use built-in support systems. p.192 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Students or teachers can compose homework assignments on computer programs and give presentations. p. 191 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Students can capture real-world phenomena and send it to a computer for analysis. p.193 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Students can analyze data, and learn new ways to view and think about data. p. 193 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Educational games and assignments can help teachers differentiate instruction. p.193 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Teachers use assessment tools that allow them to build format feedback in their instruction. p. 193 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Teachers put students work online, with permission, that encourage students to do their best. p.193 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Students that use the computer at home often know more about technology and understand it more clearly. p. 217 -
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Present day Education and Technology
Technology that is brought in smoothly to the classroom is known as infused and help the students get used to using it. p.211 -
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Future of Education and Technology
Snow days will be a thing of the past if students can complete a day of school off of a computer. http://www.teachhub.com/technology-classroom-school-future -
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Future of Education and Technology
All students will be able to share their computer screens with the other student. http://www.teachhub.com/technology-classroom-school-future -
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Future of Education and Technology
Virtual reality will connect students with learning disabilities and help them have the same opportunities. https://www.thetechedvocate.org/vision-future-virtual-reality-education/