First Teaching Job
At the end of February, due to class size, the fourth section of third grade was opened at Cedar Ridge Elementary in Bloomington, Illinois. I interviewed on a Friday and started that Monday. I was then displaced at the end of the school year due to low enrollement. -
First Full Year Teaching
At Towanda, I had access and used the Smartboard and desktop computer daily. 4th and 5th grade shared a laptop cart so the use of student laptops was sporadic and at times non-existent due to not having access to them. Whenever we did have access to the laptops for use in the classroom, I tried to use them in the most effective and efficient manner possible which was mostly science and social studies interactives that the students would do either independently or with a partner. -
Second Year Teaching: 2015-2016
Due to low enrollment again, I ended up back at Glenn Elementary teaching fifth grade, I had access to the same technologies just like at Towanda, but with one HUGE difference, I had my very own student laptop cart in my classroom with 30 laptops. This first year was finding ways to incorparate more technology opportunities for students. The first major change was using Google Drive heavily for all student writing units. Student laptop use gradually became and everyday use. -
Third Year Teaching: 2016-2017
Before starting the school year, I revamped my lesson plans to incorporate more technology use for students which led me to use Google Classroom more by creating activities for each writing unit. This is also the year that I included book club projects that required technology that included Google Slides and Google Docs. This is where I can say that I started to move towards a more constructivism classroom. -
Fourth Year Teaching: 2017-2018
I convered all of my reading and writing mini-lessons into Google Slides. I changed most social studies and science assessments to project-based with each unit included a technology component. Students used Google Classroom for their book clubs to post their questions and responses to their peers as well as having a Google Doc group meeting form to complete. Google Forms were created for each pre and post assessment for math for students to enter in their ratings. -
Fifth Year Teaching: 2018-2019
I created my own class website, a social studies unit on Schoology, incorporated Digital Citizenship lessons as well as everyone using more technology tools and websites. All student reading unit resources are shared in folders in Google Drive. Most assignments and assessments in reading, science, social studies are project-based with technology that includes student choice and reflection opportunities making my classroom a constructivism classroom. -
Teaching Reflection
Link to my Google Doc reflection on the course questions for this activity: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RakNQV3J3u2B6WlUM9x3waVOgaX-LKtmFWQmq1IDGmI/edit?usp=sharing -
End of Spring 2019 Semester Reflection
From TCH 430, my wealth of knowledge regarding learning theories and my toolkit of technology resources and tools have grown. I was able to redesign my how-to writing unit using ISTE student standards and Connected Learning as well as create an online course using Schoology. I learned about and created new technology artifacts using ThingLink, Timetoast, Visme, Survey Planet, Google Sites, and Peer Grade. -
Skype Experiences
I also learned about Skype in the Classroom and Skype with a Scientist from my research project on Connected Learning. We did a Skype in the Classroom activity this year with Dr. Jane Goodall and a Skype with a Scientist session with Anna Haley an Aquatic Ecologist in Virginia. Both experiences opened up so many new opportunities and ideas for bringing in experts around the world into the classroom via Skype! -
My Future Goals
My goal is to streamline Connected Learning and the ISTE student standards for 2019-2020 so that it becomes as common as the Common Core Standards are in my classroom. One area of focus that I want to improve upon from the ISTE student standards is Global Collaborator which I plan on using Skype as a means to accomplish this standard in science and social studies. -
District Future Goals
From my masters, it becomes crystal clear the need and urgency to provide devices for each elementary school and classroom in the district. From each student having a device in my classroom, I have been able to try so many new technology resources and tools that have taken student learning to a whole new level that otherwise wouldn’t have been possible. All teachers in the district should have the necessary devices like my school to provide lasting experiences for their students. -
Future Hope
This semester has inspired me in so many ways with the vastness and capabilities in which technology holds that I have only begun to tap the surface. My hope is to instill a love for learning in my students while being mindful and caring individuals. Thus, my mission moving forward is for students to see the beauty in using technology to make a difference in the lives of others!