Technology in My Lifetime

  • Video Games

    Video Games
    Growing up my parents had two video game systems, an Atari, and an original Nintendo. These game systems introduced me early on to electronics and puzzles. Photo by Wikipedia
  • Nintendo Game Boy

    Nintendo Game Boy
    The first game system I had completely of my own was the Nintendo Gameboy. I had several of the versions throughout the years, and they have definitely cemented my involvement in the arts, technology and academia, due to the puzzles and diverse worlds the games have taken me to. Photo from Wikipedia
  • Nintendo 64

    Nintendo 64
    Easter 1997 I received a Nintendo 64. This was the first console game system I received that had 3D graphics, and further influenced my desire to be an artist. Photo from Wikipedia
  • Elementary Computers

    Elementary Computers
    The first time I ever used a computer was in 5th grade. The school actually renovated the old library and created a computer lab of 20 computers for all the classrooms to be able to use. Photo from Wikipedia
  • My First Desktop

    My First Desktop
    My parents were always wary of the internet in their home for several reasons. Therefore we never had a home computer until my senior year of high school. This was definitely an important event, as I was able to access software at home and work on art projects for my graphic design classes at home and school. Photo from Wikipedia
  • My First Laptop

    My First Laptop
    While it was only a year after my first desktop, receiving my first laptop was very significant as I started Marshall. I commuted my first year, so I needed access to a computer more often then I had during my senior year of high school. Photo from Wikipedia
  • iMac Computers

    iMac Computers
    While I had used several art programs, until I went to Marshall I had not used Apple products. The Graphic Design labs at Marshall only used Apple computers, which was different hardware wise from using the same software on Windows computers. Photo from Wikipedia
  • World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
    While I had always been a console gamer, my first foray into computer games was World of Warcraft. This game definitely has shaped my social abilities, as I have made many friends in the game and have gained friends outside the game when realizing the game is a shared similarity. The game also furthered my interest in working on game art and immersive worlds. Photo from Wikipedia
  • Blender

    During my third year at Marshall, I took a class in 3-D art. One of the programs we used was Blender, which is an open-source 3-D modelling program. Photo from Wikipedia
  • 3-D Printing

    3-D Printing
    Although I have continued to use my software knowledge, the most recent technology purchase I have made was to acquire a 3-D printer. I am excited to start working with this device fully, as there is a wide base of users that share their patterns and experiences with other artists and creators. Photo by Wikipedia.