Technology History Project

  • Manchester Mark 1

    Manchester Mark 1
    sourceThe Manchester Mark 1becomes operational, and Harvard-Mark III the first mark use an internally stired program and Indirect addressing,
  • Hard drive

    Hard drive
    SourceAt September 13, The IBM 305 RAMAC that first shipped with a hard drive come out. And the hard drive is expensive, it has 5 megabytes and each megabytes cost $10,000.
  • FIrst personal Computer

    FIrst personal Computer
    SourceAt 1965, a Ltalian companyOliveti created a small computer that can pfit ont a desk and could be used be regular person. This produve name is PROGRAMMA 101.
  • Arpanet - FIRST Internet Invented

    Arpanet - FIRST Internet Invented
    SourceThe Arpanet was the first network and was develloped by U.S. Department of Defense. The network eventually turned into today's Internet and used TCP/IP protocol, which we still use today.

    sourcePASCAl was sreated by Niklaus Wirth at 1970, it is a programming language that good at data structure.
  • C programminng language

    C programminng language
    SourceAt 1972, C programming language is coming out, it is for help
    Unix system.. The creator name i s Denniis Ritchie. And it's still work right now. C programming language Influence many computer language, like Java, and C++
  • Game Boy

    Game Boy
    The game boy is a handheld game consoles, It sold by NIntendo. It retail at 1989 - 2008. During this 29 years it total sold 200.20 million units worldwide. There are 5 type of this series, I like the Game boy Advance SP most.
  • Iternet

    souceAt 1962, the idea of packet-weitching networks come out. At 1974 the first public packet-switched Network is open. And at 1989 the hosts breaks 100,000
  • Java was initiated

    Java was initiated
    SourceAt june 1991, Java was designed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems. It was design for some webside and some software. And it sill popular now.
  • Powerbook

    sourceThe powebook was series of Apple computer product during 1991-2006. The first one of thepowerbook have good scream. But with develpoment of techology it can't be the best. The last product of this series is a computer which named MacBook Pro.
  • HTML

    SourceAt June 1993, HTML was created by W3C, HTML is a programming languafe used for website. It is basic for all website.
  • Bluetooth

    SourceBluetooth is a techology that for wiorless. It used to transfer data between two phone or computer. It was created by Ericsson in 1994
    And it is popular in the wrld, you can find it on smart phone and some laptop.
  • Sony play station

    Sony play station
    Sony play station was Came out at 1994, It was the first video game consloe to sell 100 million units. At 2013 the play station 4 released, at first day it selling 1 million consoles, It is one the popular video game consloe in wht world.
  • Alineware

    SourceAiienware computer company was creaded at 1996 by Nelson Gonzalez and Alex Aguila. At 2009 the first product Alineware M17X come out. And after that Alienware become popukar in the world.
  • C#

    SourceC# is created at 2000, by Microsoft. It is a programming language that based on Java and C programming language.