Technology History Project

  • First Headphones

    First Headphones
    Thefirst headphines to be created for people .this created a personal field towards music and every other culture cause now people didn't sharwe or hear the same thing, everyone or almost everyone could choose their music
  • Atanasoff-Berry Computer

    Atanasoff-Berry Computer
    John Atanasoff invited The Atanasoff-Berry Computer also known as the ABC in which he created the first computer to regenarsate capacitor drum memory.

    ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)This was the very first computer calculater that begun to be constructed .
  • Von Neumann architecture

    Von Neumann architecture
    The first written description of how an electronic computer should store and processes information; Von Neumann architecture was originally published in John von Neumann's report of the EDVAC on June 30, 1945. This architecture is comprised of an Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), memory, Input/Output, and a control unit. This design is still used, in one form or another, in all computers and many electronic devices produced today.
  • The Association for Computing Machinery

    The Association for Computing Machinery
    The Association for Computing Machinery was founded.
    Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. file patent #2,455,992 describing one of the first computer games played on a CRT January 25, 1947.
    Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO sighting on June 24, 1947.
    Jay Forrester and other researchers comes up with the idea of using magnetic-core memory in the Whirlwind computer.
  • translator

    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories on December 23, 1947.
  • Arpanet - First Internet

    Arpanet  - First Internet
    Arpant was the first internet network
  • The Tic-Tac-Toe

    This was one oif the first consoles video games to be invented and be able to play digital Tic tac toe with two diffrent users
  • Gun fight

    Gun fight
    An arcade game created with a scenary of two users going at eachother in a gun fihght changing te way users interacted with computer ytechnology creatiing make belief fiction in a digital world
  • First ever digital camera

    First ever digital camera
    The first ever digital camera was invented in 1947 by a engineer at Eastman Kodak named Steve Sasson .It defenitly revolotionized the form of seeing how computeres could take into place with cameras.
  • First Laptop

    First Laptop
    Osborn created the first laptop, costinbg a 1,500, it was carried with a bunch of mini software programs.
  • Macintpsh

    The Macintosh was a new apple product that wanted to take away full control from ibm and wanted to promoye thier computer as well. they wanted to creat the idia of a much friendlier computer and also take away power from ibm having the majority of computers around
  • First Tablet

    First Tablet
    In 2000 Microsoft created the very first tablet: 10 years before the apple ipad except the tablet had less features
  • Iphone

    Iphone 1 release . the very first generation of phones from apple that started a whole revolution of upcoming profucts that we know today
  • Galaxy S 1st

    andriod released their smartphone in competition with apple named the galaxy s, the first of many that would bring competitive battles between the company