Technology History Project

  • Jaquet-Droz automata

    Jaquet-Droz automata
    The Jaquet-Droz automata was the first recorded operating "robot" that had three different automations. These three automations each did something different. There was the Musician, who was a woman that sat in the midde playing the piano, the Draughtsman, who was a child on the left side that can draw four diferent images, and the Writer, a man on the opposite side that was able to write any combination of 40 letters.
  • First UAV

    First UAV
    The first recorded UAV (Unmanned Ariel Vehicle) was the Hewitt-Sperry which was used in World War I as a n ariel torpedo, also called a "flying bomb".
  • Herbert Televox

    Herbert Televox
    The televox was Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co's first robot. Televox was made to accept phone calls by lifting the telephone reciever.

    ENIAC was the first electronically powered general-purpose computer. This computer was capable of being programmed to solve various selections of numerical problems.
  • Introduction to Transistors

    Introduction to Transistors
    Transistors helped computer systems become much faster and more efficient than a computer system with vacuum tubes. Invented in 1947 and introduced in 1948 by Bell Laboratory engineers, the transistor made using computers much easier and less costly.
  • First Russian Satellite Launched

    First Russian Satellite Launched
    The first satellite to be sent into orbit, the Sputnik, was the mark of the start of the space age. Was the world's first artificial satellite.
  • First Industrial robot

    First Industrial robot
    Worked on the General Motors assembly line at Inland Fisher Guide Plant. Used to do jobs that would've poisoned workers by exhaust gas or cause them to lose a limb if they were not careful.
  • First Internet - ARPANET

    First Internet - ARPANET
    The Arpanet was the first network that connected computers and was developed by the US military. The protocol TCP/IP was first developed to communicate and it is still used today.
  • The Famulus Robot

    The Famulus Robot
    The first robot to have six electric motor-driven axes. Developed by the German company KUKA
  • Apple-1

    First Apple computer that was designed and hand built by Steve Woniak and released to the public by Steve Jobs.
  • Personal Computers (PC)

    Personal Computers (PC)
    IBM introduced their first personal computer for home use in 1981. The number of personal computers doubled from 2 million to 5.5 million the following year. These PCs would eventually work their way to becoming laptops on desks of consumers.
  • Windows 1.0

    Windows 1.0
    The first software update developed by Windows that is now Windows 10 today and one of the most well-known computer softwares used by consumers.
  • First Web Browser

    First Web Browser
    NCSA Mosaic was free for internal use, licensing, modifications and/or distributions by commercial organizatoins. Mosaic continually built off of Berners-Lee's server and applied support for several factors such as graphics, sounds, and video clips.
  • 8-Legged Walking Robot

    8-Legged Walking Robot
    SourceThe first walking robot, Dante II, explored Mount Spur in Alaska. Dante II continued to be used to explore areas that would be dangerous and fatal to a normal explorer.
  • Firat Self-Replicating

    Firat Self-Replicating
    Researchers at Cornell University develope a robot that can reproduce and replicate itself with nothing but time. Has no direct useful function but is a jump in advancement and innovations.