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Technology History

  • virtual reality

    virtual reality
    In the 1800's Charles Wheatstone developed the View-Master stereoscope (patented 1939), which was used for “virtual tourism”.The design principles of the Stereoscope is used now for the Google Cardboard and VR head mounted displays for mobile phones.
    Virtual Reality Society
  • first headphones

    first headphones
    They are a pair of small listening devices that are designed to be worn on or around the head over the ears. They were commonly used for early radio work. Today they can be used for DVD players, home theater, personal computers, or portable devices.
  • First Game made - Pong

    William Higinbotham made Pong and it was quite a big hit in its time.
    APS News
  • ARPANET- First Network

    ARPANET- First Network
    ARPANET was first network created by the U.S government by a group called DARPA. The first packet switching network that developed into today's modern internet. The machine could only be on for 45 minutes a day before it would shut off for the day.
  • First mobile Cell Phone

    First  mobile Cell Phone
    A man named Martin Cooper made the first mobile phone and it weighed 1.1 kg.The prototype only had a talk time of 30 minutes and took 10 hours to re-charge.
  • Ethernet - cables

    Ethernet - cables
    It is a family of computer networking technologies used in local area networks (cables).Over time, Ethernet has replaced wired LAN technologies such as token ring, FDDI and ARCNET.
  • Cray I 'Self-portrait' - The fastest computer of its day

    Cray I 'Self-portrait' - The fastest computer of its day
    The Cray-1's speed comes partly from its shape, which is a "C". The result in the computers speed also resulted from it's novel Freon cooling system which helped keep the system cool. It costed 10 million to make and test the machine.
    Timeline of computer history
  • Apple I - First Apple computer

    Apple I - First Apple computer
    The computer was released in 1976 and it was designed and hand built by Steve Wozniak. This was also Apple's first product, to finance the creation, jobs sold his only means of transportation. First used in a high school class.
  • Osbern I - The first laptop made

    Osbern I - The first laptop made
    Used the Zilog Z80 and weighed 23.6 pounds and did not have a battery. The computer had single-density floppy drives.
  • First Windows Computer - WIndows 1.0

    First Windows Computer - WIndows 1.0
    It is a graphical personal computer operating environment developed by Microsoft. It runs as a graphical, 16-bit multi-tasking shell on top of an existing MS-DOS installation. It's development was steered by the founder, Bill Gates.
  • Bluetooth - Wireless technology

    Bluetooth - Wireless technology
    Bluetooth was used for exchanging data over short distances. Bluetooth can be used for wireless headsets( a form of communication). The first bluetooth printer was introduced in 2001.
  • Wi-Fi - wireless network

    Wi-Fi - wireless network
    It is a technology that allows electronic devices to connect to a wireless LAN (WLAN) network. Devices that can use Wi-Fi include personal computers, video-game consoles, smartphones, digital cameras, tablet, and printers.
  • Xbox 360 - one of best gaming console of its time

    Xbox 360 - one of best gaming console of its time
    The XBOX 360 was a video game console developed my Microsoft and was the successor of the XBOX. The Xbox 330 had an online service in which you could play games with other people across the world. It was the 6th top selling game console in all time.
  • Apple Iphone - changed the world

    Apple Iphone - changed the world
    The iphone changed the way we think of the "smart phone". The phone offered multi-touch control, and flick-to-scroll and pinch-to-zoom. It also offered a new and improved web browser that brought a desktop browser into the palm of your hand.
  • PS4 - Gaming Console

    PS4 - Gaming Console
    The development for the system started earlier than 2 years after the PS3 came out. Bungie teamed up with Sony to try to make the controller better customed to shooting games.