When I was a kid we only had VCRs and would watch VHSs all the time. It was definitley childhood for me. Some of the younger generations now have no idea what they even are when they see them. -
Aol was the first email account I ever had. Dial up and everything. It would take forever just to log in. But I remember I loved chatting with friends on messenger. -
DVDs didn't become super popular until I was a little bit older. Now VHSs don't really exist and every uses DVDs. They're definitley alot smaller and easier to use. -
Nintendo 64
Literally the best game ever invented. It's stil fun to this day and just reminds me of the good old days. -
Smart Board
I started using Smart Boards in school when I was in Jr. High. We used them alot for math problems. They're really cool and can do alot of things but I still like chalkboards and whiteboards. -
I probably got Facebook when I was in the 9th grade. I loved it back then but now I like instagram alot better because I just like looking at people's pictures. -
Gmail is my most favorite. It's the email account I use now and I just love the feel of it and the layout. It does everything I need it to and is easy to use. -
Xbox 360
Xbox 360s were the thing to get in middle school and jr. high. EVeryone was getting one and they could do anything and play every game you ever wanted. -
iPhones really are my favorite type of phone. They're so easy to use and just perfect really. I had an android before I got my iPhone and Apple just out did themselves. Especially with the 6 plus. -
I absolutley love instagram. Its become popular over the past couple of years and pretty much everyone uses it now. I love it because it's just pictures and that's what I love to look at. It's kind of like a little picture journal for myself.