
My classroom technolgy firsts

  • My First computer

    My First computer
    Used this computer at SFHS in 1987.
  • First copy machine I used

    First copy machine I used
    Used this copy machine during student teaching. Loved the ink smell.
  • Blackboard

    Had blackboard first two years of teaching. Hated the dust
  • 1995

    I used this device instead of a blackboard so I could see the studetns as I wrote notes and problems on the top of this
  • calculator

    Use of graphing calculators used a lot
  • Dry erase board - White board

    Dry erase board - White board
    Was glad to get this in year 3 so I didn't have to breath chalk dust any more
  • First teacher computer

    First teacher computer
    Gateway computer I was able to use once internet was available
  • Dot matrix printer

    Dot matrix printer
    My first classroom printer....loud
  • TV

    First tv I used to show clips I had taped on a vcr
  • Projector

    Was able to use this late in my teaching career to show short videos from the internet