
  • Telephone

    Inventors: Alexander Gram Bell, et al.
    Description: a telecommunication device that allows two or more users to have a discussion far apart
  • Lightbulb

    Inventor: Thomas Edison, et al.
    Description: Device the converts electricity into light. Changes the way we designed buildings, increased length of average work day, and was a jumpstart for many businesses
  • AI(Artificial Intelligence)

    AI(Artificial Intelligence)
    Inventor: Alan Turing
    Description: leverages data providing and improving accuracy, efficiency, and decision making across industries
  • GPS

    Inventor: Bradford Parkinson, et al.
    Description: Satellite radio navigation changing agriculture, transportation, precise timing and more.
  • Bluetooth

    Inventor: Jaap Haartsen
    Description: Allows devices to communicate wirelessly and efficiently making it easier to work, game, learn, listen, chat, and more.