technology decade cis

  • Jeep

    Originally used in the military, Kyle Probst designed the jeep prototype in under a day. Now it is still used as a common car and loved by many people.
  • Aqualung

    Jacques Cousteau and Emile Gagnan invented the modern-day diving suit and regulator as a way for divers to have fresh air when underwater.
  • Computer

    Computer became publicly used at Iowa State University. Now computers are used all the time by almost anyone who needs it to help their work, school, or private activities.
  • Television

    Telechrome tube was fully developed to show the moving picture on the TV. It was originally disliked because it made people lazy, but it seemed to have positive effects on people's lives and created common phrases and sayings between certain generations because of what they all saw on TV.
  • Microwave

    Dr. Percey Spencer created the first microwave. At first it was very large and expensive, but now it can be used for people to warm up small amounts of food quicker and more convenient than previously.