
Technology Changes In My Life

  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    In 2002, when I was in first grade, I did my first slide show presentation. The presentation's topic was on different kinds of big cats. In order to save this presentation we used floppy disks, instead of USB drives or cloud storage because the technology hadn't been updated at the school to use the relatively new USB drives. And cloud storage wasn't around back then. Photo credits go to
  • Gameboy Advance

    Gameboy Advance
    On my 8th birthday my mom surprised me with my very first handheld gaming console. I had played my sister's Super Nintendo a few times, and we had a Nintendo 64 at home to play. However, the Game Boy Advance was portable. It was my first gaming system that I was given that enabled me to play on the go. Photo credits go to
  • My First Phone

    My First Phone
    In 2008, my mom decided that I needed to have a phone. My brother and I both had to walk to school. Occasionally, I would have after school practices, or go to my friends house in the neighborhood and she would have difficulty getting ahold of me. So, she got me my very first phone, it was a flip phone! It looked almost exactly like the one in the picture by
  • My First Laptop

    My First Laptop
    We had a house computer, my brother and I really wanted laptops to do school work with and play games on. Our house computer was ancient and it had gotten super slow, and there was two of us. One slow computer and two high school students needing to get homework done was a problem. My mom found a deal on a couple laptops and bought us each one for Christmas.
  • Xbox with Wireless Controllers and Online Gaming

    Xbox with Wireless Controllers and Online Gaming
    In 2011, I decided that I wanted an Xbox 360. I saved up my money and bought one so I could play online with my friends online. This was the first time I was able to play with my friends at a distance. This was also the first time that I owned a console with wireless controllers. Photo credits go to
  • Smart Phone, Touch Screen!

    Smart Phone, Touch Screen!
    My flip phone had finally broke. And I needed to get another phone. I decided that I didn't want to get another flip phone. I wanted to get a smart phone, but they were expensive. So, I bought one of the cheapest ones I could. This was the first touch screen device that I owned. Photo credits go to
  • Gaming Laptop

    Gaming Laptop
    In 2014, the laptop my mom had gotten me wasn't sufficient enough for the demand of a computer at college. So, I needed to upgrade. I also, had many friends who had gotten into online computer gaming so I splurged a little. I bought my very first gaming laptop. Technology had advanced and the gaming laptop had a newer processing system, an updated graphics card, and 1 TB of storage space. Photo credits go to
  • My First Car

    My First Car
    After being away from home for almost a full year with only a little time spent visiting home, it was time for me to get a car. My mom helped my buy a used Kia Rio 2002. Photo Credits go to
  • I Built My Own Desktop Computer

    I Built My Own Desktop Computer
    In 2018, I graduated and bought myself a house. Because of this change I decided that I wanted to build myself a desktop gaming computer. So with the help of my friends, and some research, I built a computer. This computer was much faster do to the creation of SSD cards opposed to hard drives. This by far was the fastest computer that I have ever had, and still do. The picture attached is not my PC, but it is very similar. Photo credits go to