Punch Card
This was invented for the control of the textile looms. It was then later adopted to use in the US consensus. -
Steam Calculator
The Steam Calculator was first designed by Charles Babbage. He started inventing it 1821, but it was not ready until the following year. -
Founded by Bill Hewett ad Dave Packard. One of their first customers was Walt Disney. -
Turing introduced this test called "Computing Machinery and Intelligence" -
COBOL-60 was developed by the Conference on Data Systems Language. IBM announced that COBOL would be their primary development language starting in 1962. -
Xerox Alto was the first computer to have a GUI, but it never reached commercial production. The first commercial computer did not reach until 1979. -
Apple Computer
Apple Computer I was designed by Steve Wozniak -
Windows was originally created for graphical operating system shell for MS-DOS. It is now the most popular desktop system in the world. -
Tim Berners
He invented the World Wide Web -
Wi-Fi first started in 1997, but it was alter updated in 1999. It also was trademarked to the name in 1999. -
Product development started in 2005 before being released. -
Chrome Book
Chrome Books were announced in May 2011 and shipping started June 2011 -
Apple Watch
Apple Watch became the best-selling wearable device