Technology and Schools Today Chapter 7

  • The Chalkboard

  • Magic Lanterns

    Magic Lanterns such as candles and oil lamps were used to make presentations
  • Classroom Structure

    One-room orientation
  • Technological devices

    Filmstrip projector, the overhead projector, the motion picture, and educational television
  • Pencils

    The National Association of Teachers brought out that pen and ink would not replace pencils
  • Books obsolete

    Thomas Edison stated," Books will soon be obsolete in the schools. Scholars will soon be instructed through the eye. It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed in ten years."
  • Filmstrip Projectors

    Filmstrip projectors replaced the use of "magic lanterns"
  • Mimiographs and Ballpoint Pens

  • Television

  • Handheld calculators and Scantron sheets

  • Microcomputers

    Many software products were introduced to drill students on basic skills.
  • Videocassette

  • High School

    A Nation at Risk report called for all high school graduates to be able to both understand and use computers.
  • Educational Technology

    The key idea is that, from the chalkboard to the computer, the needs of teachers and students shape the uses of technology in the classroom, not the other way around.
  • Graphing calculators

  • Spreadsheets

    This is a tool used to organize and analyze information.
  • Writing with digital tools

    These tools offer many advantages over paper and pencil.
  • Communicating in Multimedia

  • Simulation

    This is a ways to explore and environment or concept that may be too expensive to visit on their own or to dangerous to handle in reality.
  • Computer labs

    A teacher facilitates the demonstration of skills for whole-class instruction.
  • No child left behind

    No child left behind act continued to reinforce this notion by stating students must be technologically literate by the time they start high school.
  • Tutorials

    They present a skill or concept and check for understanding.
  • Drill-and-practice

    These programs have increased fluency of a skill.
  • Making mind maps and webs

  • Government

    The federal government went a step further when the National Education Technology Plan was published calling for a "revolutionary transformation rather than evolutionary tinkering."
  • Virtual field trips

    Its a way for students to experience a field trip through the computer.
  • Technology for Special Needs Students

    Students with limited verbal skills now are able to take a tablet around with them to type out what they need.
  • Wireless laptop carts

    Laptops and handheld computing devices provide a good solution on the issue of computer access in the classroom,
  • Professional communication

    Technology being brought into schools has helped teachers reach out to others outside of their classroom.
  • Smaller groups

    Technology has helped teachers to be able to maybe reach some of those one on one students that need a little extra help.