Technology and Its Milestones in Education

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    Technology and Its Milestones in Education

  • E-Rate

    More InfoE-Rate is a program that gives funding to libraries and schools across the nation. This funding comes with its stipulations that must be followed, but it is a great way to get technology, Internet access, etc. into these schools and libraries that otherwise, wouldn’t be able to afford. This funding is meant to help schools with their technology goals and the implementation of them.
  • Internet in Classrooms

    Internet in Classrooms
    A study showed that 95% of elementary schools across the United States had Internet in thier building. Though this was not 95% access in every classroom, there was 63% access in the classroom. This was a huge step forward in the digital age that we are now in.
  • CIPA

    CIPA, which stands for Child Internet Protection Act, was a huge step forward with the technological movement that was sweeping our world. What CIPA set out to do was to set measures that would protect all students from harmful things on the Internet.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No Child Left Behind InfoNCLB was a bill that created a great deal of funding towards technoloy into the classrooms. The money is stipulated for technology integreation and professional development.
  • Apple TV's Release

    Apple TV's Release
    On this day, Apple came out with its huge release of what is known as Apple TV. This is not any normal TV that was every created, it was a device thats uses in the classroom were limitless. If a teacher is having students work on thier IPads and she likes a students work, she can use tha apple tv to wirelessly send his image to the screen for everyone to see. This opened up a number of doors for its use in the classroom setting.
  • Indiana State Technology Plan

    Indiana State Technology Plan
    For the first time, Indiana came out with a technology plan that is different from all the others before hand. The plan actually laid out ideas and methods to go about accomplishing the things that the plan called for. Technology plans before hand simply talked about the importance of using technology, but never really gave any methods for doing it.
  • Poll Everywhere

    Poll Everywhere
    Poll EverywherePoll Everywhere was first released. It is a very interactive way for students to respond to a teachers posting by voting/taking the poll of whatever the teacher needs. Even in its early birth, the ways in which poll everywhere could be useful in an educational sense are astounding.
  • Race to the Top

    Race to the Top
    Race to the TopRace to the Top was set up like a contest for the states to compete with on classroom innovation. One way that this innovation could be accomplished is through technology advancements.
  • Ipad is Released

    Ipad is Released
    After a great deal of anticipation, the Ipad was first released to the world. Though it was new, the ways in which it could be used in the educational world are limitless.
  • Innovation Planning Grant

    Innovation Planning Grant
    The goal and objective of the Innovation Planning Grants of 2012 was to allow the funding for the smaller schools to get on the technology train in education. This was only allowed to those schools under 5,000 students and this allowed them to have a manner to fund the technology advancements everyone else is able to afford.