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    The first "computer" was the abacus. It was a wooden with wooden beads used to count. It is said to have been invented in China and is still used in some places today. The abacus is far from what a computer is today, however it was a vital part in the evolution of computing.
  • Binary Coding System

    Binary Coding System
    Binary Code is a system which is used in digital computers. Binary builds off the sytstem in which there are only two states, on and off. Binary uses electrical pulses which determine a number, word or character to be performed. This is made possible transistors, which are ones and zeros. They either block or pass the pulse. The pulse is emitted by a device called a clock. The idea was originally made by Gottfried Leibniz in 17th century Germany, and the idea is still present today.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    Charles babbage was a british mathematician as well as inventor. He invented the first automatic digital computer. It was called the analytical engine, which Babbage intented would be an improvement from the difference enginge. He ended up making the first autmotaic, mechanical, digital computer. This was the first time someone invented a device which could perform any calculation.
  • Comptometer

    The comptometer has an important role in how computers look today. It was the first commercialy successfull key-driven calculator. It was extremely fast as it would perform the action as soon as a button is pressed. The keys on the calculater paved the way for how the keyboard looks on a modern qwerty keyboard today. The comptometer was even commercially used up to 1990, however, today only digital calculators are being used.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing was involved in everything from philosophy to computer science. He invented the general purpose computer called the Turing machine. He played a big role in the evolution of theoretical computer science. Using his knowledge of computers he also helped britain win WW2.
  • Konrad Zuse

    Konrad Zuse
    Konrad Zuse was a german civil engineer. Zuse invented Z1, the worlds first binary computer. However he most famously invented the first algorithmic computer language. It was called Plankalkul, which came from the german term kalkul meaning formal language. Plankalkul and Zuse's other creations were never well known outside Germany, even though they were many years ahead of their time.
  • ENIAC Computer

    ENIAC Computer
    The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was the first electronic, general purpose computer which was programmable. It's initial purpose was to calculate firing tablets for the US Army artillery. It was much more powerful and faster in comparison to the computers which existed before it.
  • Douglas Engelbart

    Douglas Engelbart
    Douglas Engelbart was an american engineer as well as inventor. He is well known for his involvement and founding in the field of computer human interaction. For example, he was part of the creation of the computer mouse and interactive graphical interfaces. He had a very important role in the evolution of computer technology and without him computers would have looked very different today.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    The World Wide Web, or just Web, is a system in which computers all over the world can exchange information. It was invented by the english scientist Sir Timothy Berners-Lee. When websites started to become generally used, the World Wide Web reached the public. Web pages are rendered in the users web browser and are linked to a url and domain name. These websites are stored in a web server. Without the WWW the world would look very different today.