[bLUETOOTH](www.bluetooth.com/Pages/Fast-Facts.aspx) CREATEDE IN 1944 AND SINXCWE THEN WAS PERFERCTED OVER TIM E. -
world neucular misisles. weapons have developed vastly over time. .so of course misisles are a big hit with the trigger happy owners, the us has necular misiles so thaose are worse. lets hope theyre not trigger happe. -
imacthe harddrive waws pretty popular back then. and today there is still some floating around. -
xboxxbox is a gaminig consol that is very popular ion my house. its very liakable and many people choose this over the ps3 -
the first iphone was made obviously by steve jobs and the people at apple co. The iphone has changed over the years. -
electric violin thanx to technology even physical muscical insturments can be hookleed up to a computer.one of the olest ionsturments is the violin, and now its electruic. -
ampsAmps is a technology that helps boost volume and clarity for insturments. It boosts a lot of sounds even in cars for their radios. -
cameras cameras are used to take videos and pictures far more then they were back then. and back then they could only take pictures. lo9ok at how far weve come wioth cameras.