Z3 Computer
A German engineer Konrad Zuse Built this computer. In the the Berlin bombing the original Z3 was destroyed, and that happend in the late 1943's -
J. presper and John Mauchly started to build it 1943-1946. They say it is 1,000 times faster -
Manchester Mark 1
For the memory user they used Williams Tube. the creaters were Fredrick Williams and Tom. -
John Von Neumman's IAS
The creater is John Von Neumman. It was built in 1952. -
The PDP-8 is the first mini computer for commercials. The creator is Digital Equitment Corp -
The Kenbak-1 is the first personal computer made. the creator is John V. Blakenbaker -
It was the very first computer with a mouse -
8H computer
This computer was the first computer for commercials in the US -
Comedore PET
The Comedore PET was the first computer to sell several personal computers of this type -
Apple 2
When the Apple 2 first came out they said it was a big succses. -
Osborne 1
The Osborne 1 was the first portable computer that weighed 24 pounds. -
In 1987 the Ps/2 was a computer that used floppy discs. -
Google glasses
You can where glasses and look stuff up -
Surface Computing
Surface Computing is where u can set your phone on there and get pictures off your phoone onto your surface somputer -
There making a phone that you can use a key board for typeing when its is not there