
By Abdi3l
  • My first tablet

    My first tablet
    2011 the tablet time was growing. Samsung had released Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 that was slicker than before that could run brighter and clearer.
  • Lenovo

    In 2015 I got introduced the Lenovo. Lenovo broadened its product lineup with laptops, smartphones, and tablets, solidifying its status as a major player in the electronics industry. Following its acquisition of Motorola Mobility in 2014, Lenovo strengthened its position in the mobile market, offering popular smartphones such as the Moto G and Moto X.
  • iPod

    In 2017, the iPod continued to be a portable music player, providing users with sleek design and easy access to their favorite tunes on-the-go. Despite the rise of smartphones as multipurpose devices, the iPod maintained its niche appeal for music enthusiasts seeking dedicated audio quality and simplicity.
  • PC

    A PC, or personal computer, is a device that you can use for various tasks like browsing the internet, writing documents, and playing games. It consists of a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and a central processing unit (CPU) where all the computing happens.
  • VR headset

    VR headset
    A VR headset is like a pair of special glasses that you wear to enter a different world inside a computer. It makes you feel like you're really there by showing you images and sounds that move as you move your head.