Final advert


  • Blogger

    Website used to present our journey and all the work leading up to the final products
    Website used to find music video's to analyse and to later upload our own videos.
  • Prezi

    We used prezi through out the process of all our work, this website is used to create interesting presentations to present the work and researches that we carried out.
  • Polyvore

    We used polyvore to create collages of what clothings we could use for ourmusic video's choosing clothes on the website is easy and we was able to find what we was looking for, and create nice collages that present our ideas well.
  • Survey Monkey

    Survey Monkey
    Survey monkey was used to create, a questionaire for our target audience to take to help give us an idea of what to use in our music video. This website was very easy for us to use in creating our own questionaire and collecting the results was also very easy as Survey Monkey presented them well.
  • Quick Time

    Quick Time
    We used this editing service to present the results form our questionaire, it was a pretty straight forward procedure, however trying to get the vocals from the voice recorder onto our video clip was quite challening, we managed to all work it out together.
  • Voice Recorder

    Voice Recorder
    We used a voice recorded several times through out our journey of work, this was used to generate a much clearer voice recording then the camera its self would be able to generate. However trying to match up the voice recording with the video become a bit of a challenge but with some time and persistance we were able to achieve it.
  • Go Animate

    Go Animate
    Go anime was used to create a short anime video, we used it to represent what our target audience wanted according to the results from our questionaire, this website was fun and easy to use.
  • Camera

    We used a Camera many times during the process of our work, and coming to wraps with how to use everything on the camera was very important, between all three of us in the group we was able to work out how to function the camera and the tripod.
  • Padlet

    Making a padlet was very useful for our groups progress towards creating our final products, this gave us an insight of what other people thought of our initial ideas and helped us to adapt our ideas with any improvments they may have come up with.
  • Word document

    Word document
    Word document again was used through out the process of our journey, this was used to create tables to present our storyboards, healthand safety tables and shotlists and many more. it was a quick and easy process as we are all familiar and have all used word processor before.
  • iMovie

    iMovie was a huge part of creating our music video, as this was used to edit all of our footage to gether and add the song to the video, to add specail effects or transitions and backgrounds. We was all new to imoive as we are use to usingfinal cut pro however we used the knowledge we had from using other editing services and tested around with this new editng service and all together managed to work out answers and solutions to any problems that occured.
  • Animoto

    Animoto is an online editing site that we had used to create a slideshow of images, it was a new website that none of us and used but was an easy website to adapt to.
  • Publisher

    Publisher is used to create posters and leaflets, so we used this microsoft programme to create our magazine advert, it was very easy to use as yet again the whole group have used it before and any problems we faced at least one of us would know how to fix it.
  • Photoshop

    Photoshop is a photo editing service, we used this to edit our images and to create our digipak, we faced a few challenges with working out how to use some of the tools, but we managed to work out how to use them with help from each other.