Period: to
Preliminary Task
This was to create a school magazine ( front cover and contents page ). -
Starting using photoshop for preliminary task
We started to use photoshop for simple selection and manipulation tools and editting photos found on the web. -
Inital camera use
After our crash course on photoshop we were sent around the school to take photos using the cannon 500D. This gave us a first try to use the cameras -
Start of creating magazine
We started to construct our school magazine using the photos we took and our knownledge of photoshop. Durning this I used colour isolation tools , marqee and other editting effects. I used these features also in the contents page -
Finished product
I had to manipulate a few images to make them look more appealing and brighten up the school. I also had to use filters on the pictures to make them visually appealing aswell. I had to edit text effects aswell -
We now had to think about the genre for our magazine. This meant doing research into other magazines ( such as kerrang , NME , Q ) this gave us a inital idea of what our genre would be -
WE now had chosen our genre and needed to start planning. This included paper plans , text sheets to choose what font we would like to choose and a mock up photoshoot. The mock up photoshoop gave us another chance to use the camera but with a professional set. -
Planning for real photoshoot
We had a week to plan costume , make up and poses. These pictures would be used for our actual magazine -
Period: to
The actual photoshoot
At this point I had decided that I would be using a mostly black based props/costume. These were all chosen specific for my auidence -
Start of construction
As we now had our images we started construstion on our front covers for our magazines. This invovled using tools on photoshop that I had never used. For example I used a magnetic tool instead of the simple marquee tool. I also used curves on the photos to enhance the lighting. I used colour balancer to edit skin tone , eye colour and hair hue. I also had to play around with advanced layering to get a good effect arcoss my front cover -
Construction of Front cover
We now had to make a contents page. I again had to use similar tools I had used on my front cover. I also had to think more about layout of my contents with page numbers and even spacing. For my even spacing I had to first plan it out with a grid then work around that on my contents page. I also chose my main text here which was REVOLUTION in yellow with a black stroke to bring it out. -
Construction of Double page spread
For this we had to use a completely new program called InDesign. This was similar to photoshop but was eaiser to made a double page spread on. This meant that we had to use completely new tools such as the place tool which allowed us to place photos, a new type of layering.