Technological crime and cyber legislation timeline

  • Stored Communications Act (SCA)

    To extend restrictions on government wire taps to include electronic data
  • No Electronic Theft Act (NETA)

    Passed to prosecute the copyright violation on the internet. It is a federal crime to reproduce, distribute or share copies of electronic copyrighted material, like songs, movies and games. I believe this was because of the sharing of music on Napster site.
  • Digital Theft Deterrence and Copyright Damages Improvement Act

    This was passed to increase the amount of damages for copyright violations. The copyright owner may ask before final judgement is given.
  • Cyber Security Enhancement Act (CSEA)

    This allows an internet service provider to give customer information to government agent if there is a reason to believe that the information is related to a serious crime.
  • Cyber Security Enhancement Act (CSEA II)

    Provides an ongoing voluntary public-private combined effort to improve cybersecurity and to strengthen its research and development
  • Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA)

    This allows sharing of internet traffic information between U.S. government and tech companies.
  • Cybersecuriy and Infrastructure Security Agency Act and Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act

    To have U.S. based tech companies provide data stored on servers whether stored in U.S> or on foreign soil.