Technology sector

Technological Changes

  • Tablet

    SourceThe first publicly demonstrated system using a tablet and handwriting text recognition instead of a keyboard for working with a modern digital computer.
    (Random day/month, only year is confirmed)
  • Hotspots

    HotspotThe first "hotspot" (referred to as LAN at the time) was created in 1993. It increased productivity greatly, as it allowed people to have interenet access anywhere they had a hotspot.
  • Smartphone

    SourceFirst models of the smart phone are invented, making a big difference in productivity.
  • Handsfree Calling

    Handsfree Calling
    BluetoothThe first Bluetooth (a hands-free device) was made in 1994, and revolutionized talking on the cell phone for people. It increased productivity on-the-go. (I used bluetooth because I couldn't find the record of the first hands-free device).
  • Skype

    SkypeSkype revolutionized international business, as it allowed conferences to be held with partner companies across the world in real time.