Technological and Scientific developments in Canada from 1914 to 1929

By J3rryL
  • Lewis light machine gun

    Lewis light machine gun
    The invention of the Lewis light machine gun also known as the Lewis gun in 1911, was one of the most used weapons used in the war from 1914-1929.
    The Lewis light machine gun was a deadly weapon killing hundreds of thousands of people with a firing rate of 5 to 6 hundred rounds per minute as well as having a velocity of 2,440 feet (743.7 meters) per second. This machine gun killed everyone and it had a max range of 3500 yards(3.2 Km), in 1918 the mark 2 was made for aircraft.
  • Artillery

    Artillery was made in 1897 by the French, this was used a lot in ww1 and the trench warfare. The artillery had a long barrel and shot big calibers, used for shooting ranges up to 3 thousand meters. The artillery caused most of the deaths in trench warfare, causing about 75 percent of all deaths and even more injuries.
  • Period: to

    Technological and Scientific developments in Canada from 1914 to 1929

  • Chlorine gas

    Chlorine gas
    Chlorine gas was invented in 1914 by a good chemist named Fritz Haber, he was experimenting this gas to be for trench warfare. In April 1915 the Germans launched chlorine gas canisters against the French in the battle of Ypres. If the soldiers didn't wear any face protection then they would die from their insides and their respiratory organs and the soldier would die a slow and painful death.
  • Tube mask(gas mask)

    Tube mask(gas mask)
    Tube mask(gas mask) was made by John Haldane in 1915 during the battle of Ypres. John Haldane developed these masks to combat the chlorine gas that was used a lot in this battle, the mask an improvement off the handkerchief or sock soaked in urine. This mask was a great invasion and led to an improved and better mask but this mask was only good until the German army started using mustard gas and it wasn't as effective.
  • Sonar

    The sonar had many people who were involved with the invention but lewis nixon was the inventor of the very first type of sonar to listen for icebergs.In 1915 Paul langevin invented the first sonar device for listening for submarines using echolocation.
    Paul's sonar really had an impact on the next sonars and their designs.
  • Submarine

    David Bushnell invented the submarine for military use in the US 1776, it was mostly used the Germans
    on may 7 1915 when the Germans sank the British liner Lusitania. The sinking of the liner Lusitania was huge because it was the biggest ship at the time and had 1198 deaths, 128 of those being American, this caused America to join the war as well as the unrestricted submarine warfare.
  • Tank

    The Tank was first invented by a Australian inventor by the name of Lancelot de moe. The tank wasn't useful at the beginning of the war because the tanks used to get stuck in holes and in muddy water. Later on in the war the tanks became more useful being able to get of holes and such as well as having a lot of fire power inside, the tanks were a huge steel
    so the soldiers used it like a shield. (teachers slides)
  • Mustard gas

    Mustard gas
    Mustard gas was invented in 1860 by Frederick Guthire by mixing sulfur dichloride and ethylene making mustard gas or sulfur mustard. The Germans waited until 1917 to use this mustard gas, it was very effective for example in a few hours it would result in trouble breathing and hard coughs. The gas gets worse within two days the soldiers would get blisters, many would suffer from bronchitis and many would die from inflammation in the lungs.
  • Insulin

    In 1869 the discovery of insulin in the pancreas was found by Paul Langerhans, between 1969-1922 multiple people worked on insulin as a treatment for diabetes including E.L scott of chicago university. The first time someone got a clinical testing was when Dr.frederick banting, and the first test was on Jan 11 1922 and it was successful. Dr. Frederick banting innovation went worldwide, going to multiple hospitals and helping lots of people.
  • Ontario hydros queenston-chippawa

    Ontario hydros queenston-chippawa
    The Ontario hydro's queenston-chippawa was built between 1917- 1925 on the Niagara fall in Queenstown, this was really important for Canada because it was the first large hydro-electric building in the world. The building was great because south west Ontario needed more power and this project supplied them with that.