Technological Advances Over the Decades

  • 1996- Nintendo 64

    1996- Nintendo 64
    The Nintendo 64 was invented in 1996
  • 2007- Ipod Nano

    2007- Ipod Nano
    The iPod Nano is a portable MP3 player developed by Apple.
  • 2009- Motorola Droid

    2009- Motorola Droid
    First Android phone developed by Motorola
  • 2015- Wireless Bluetooth and Spotify

    2015- Wireless Bluetooth and Spotify
    This doesn't correlate to when it was founded but when I started consuming these products
  • 2020- Streaming Services (Television Entertainment)

    2020- Streaming Services (Television Entertainment)
    This is around the time that I started getting into more streaming and when I feel like it was getting very popular.