Technological advances in my life time

By TJP3rd
  • Period: to


  • at&t adds text messages

    at&t adds text messages
    AT&T now allowed its consumers send text messages back and forth.
  • 9/11

    9/11 terrorist attack steped up security and technology advances to make travel safer
  • sirius xm radio

    sirius xm radio
    this allowed people to listen to the radio all the way across the country without changing the channel. it usese satalites to transmit the music.
  • first iphone came out on to the market

    first iphone came out on to the market
    apple relased the Iphone and it is now the best selling smartphone in the world.
  • Iphone 4

    Iphone 4
    came out in 2010 , but it was my first smart phone, got it in May of 2014
  • Siri came out on the Iphone 4s

    Siri came out on the Iphone 4s
    siri allowed you to contorl your phine with just your voice
  • The Clould was created by Apple

    The Clould was created by Apple
    the cloud allowed people to save data to a wirless server
  • ipad 4 cam out

    ipad 4 cam out
    got ipad for high school in august of 2013
  • iphone 5ws

    iphone 5ws
    icame out in 2013 got my second iphone an iphone 5s when my iphone 4 died , I got it on March of 2014
  • Apple watch

    Apple watch
    this allowed you to text, make calls, and surf the web from your watch.