Technoligal invention

  • projector

    something to connect to your laptor and shoot out the light on the board
  • Lamborghini

    A lamborghini is a type of car which has this engine that make this car fast and has good designs.
  • mouse for laptop and computer

    mouse for laptop and computer
    A mouse is something that is needed for a computer but not that much for a laptop as you already have a mouse for your laptop but the one on the laptop is hard
  • windows 1.0 and 2.0

    windows 1.0 and 2.0
    a type of software like when you startup your computer it will show windows xp/vista/7
  • Ipod touch

    Ipod touch
    The ipod touch is a MP3 player and now you can download games.
  • Ipod MP3 player

    Ipod MP3 player
    A ipod which can hold up to 100 songs
  • playstation 3

    playstation 3
    its a device that can be connected to the T.V to play games
  • google chrome

    google chrome
    A tyoe of internect thats fast and its fast when you use google
  • Nintendo dsi invented

    Nintendo dsi invented
    a camera at front and back and download games
  • ipod touch 4th generation

    ipod touch 4th generation
    the same as an ipod touch but has an second camera for the front.