Techno biography timeline assignment tool

  • Communication

    In my household we used a corded telephone. During this time, it was our only way to communicate with nearby family and friends.
    Image by Quince Media from Pixabay
  • Educational TV Programs

    Educational TV Programs
    My earliest contact with digital technology was with educational shows for kids to watch on television such as Sesame Street, Dragon Tales, and Clifford.
    Image by Riyadh from Pixabay
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    Teacher instruction was presented through an overhead projector. Students were encouraged to follow along using a worksheet or a dry erase whiteboard.
    Image by Yorklib from Flickr
  • Family Life- First at Home Computer

    Family Life- First at Home Computer
    My parents installed our first home computer. It was a Dell desktop. We used the computer for games, videos, and communication.
    Image by B&h
  • Upper Elementary

    Upper Elementary
    Classrooms were given the opportunity to utilize computer labs to conduct research, create projects, and participate in online programs.
    Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay
  • Use of Mobile Devices

    Use of Mobile Devices
    I began using my phone for communication, games, and social media. As the years went on, I started to become more dependent on my phone for emails, banking, pictures, and internet searches. As a middle school teacher, I allow my students minimal use of phones because it creates a distraction. The only time I allow phone use in the classroom is for translation purposes.
    Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay
  • Professional Education

    Professional Education
    Throughout my undergraduate courses, we used Canvas for assignments, Nearpod for lessons, and Kahoot for reviews. I also took a course where we learned how to navigate Canvas. I currently use Canvas every day in my classroom. My students enjoy using Kahoot on their computers for review.
    Image by Canvas
  • Use of Digital Technologies

    Use of Digital Technologies
    At the beginning of the school year, all students are assigned a laptop. As a middle school teacher, I have my students complete their assignments through Canvas. Using Canvas has helped my students receive all the resources they need for a lesson, such as images, videos, and examples that align with the lesson.

    Image by Public Domain Pictures
  • Use of Digital Technologies

    Use of Digital Technologies
    Plicker is an engaging online program designed for teachers to use to receive instant feedback from their students. I give each student a card with a QR code. I ask the students a question and each student will present their answer using the card. Once all the students are ready, I scan each card using the Plicker app and receive their answers instantly. Here is a video representation of Plicker.
    Image by Tiffany Marinez from Plicker
  • Current Practices

    Current Practices
    Around the house, we installed Ring cameras, Bluetooth lightbulbs, Bluetooth speakers, and Google Nest. Our smartphones control all these electronic devices. It allows easy access and control within and away from home.
    Image by Ring Co