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Kelsey's Techno Biography

  • Childhood Tech Experiences

    Childhood Tech Experiences
    Playing computer games via CD was common during my childhood. My brother and I enjoyed games centered around shows we watched. I specifically remember playing Madeline and Mickey Mouse-themed games. We also listened to music via CD, whether it was in the car or from a boombox.
  • Elementary School

    Elementary School
    While in elementary school, I remember using the computer lab to play educational games, like Freddy Fish, to practice math or English skills. The computer lab was also where we would be allowed to play computer games for fun, after we finished our work.
  • Middle School Tech Experiences

    Middle School Tech Experiences
    In middle school, I recall using a Blackberry Palm Pilot to assist in reading the Bible in eBook form. Looking back, I’m not 100% sure this tool was necessary; if anything it served to alleviate students from carrying around physical Bibles.
    We also explored cloud storage via Google Drive, and used it's tools for group projects where collaboration was necessary. We also practiced typing skill via an online computer program. Thanks to this, I feel confident with my typing skills.
  • High School Computer Processing Course

    High School Computer Processing Course
    In this course, we delved into Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel; I had used Word and PowerPoint before, but Excel was new to me. At the end of the course, I remember taking certification exams for each one. I passed the PowerPoint and Word exams, but not Excel. In all honesty, I’m still not as skilled in Excel as I would like to be.
  • LMS Use During Associates degree

    LMS Use During Associates degree
    During my Associate's degree at Valencia College, I primarily took online courses (along with weekend and night courses) due to working during the day. This was my first exposure to being an online student and working within the LMS (learning management system) Blackboard.
  • LMS Use During Bachelors degree

    LMS Use During Bachelors degree
    As a teaching assistant, I saw the behind-the-scenes of the LMS, Canvas, and mainly used the Grading Assistant feature. While I didn't realize it then, this was a great introduction to a tool I would use more in-depth down the road.
  • Zoomin'

    During the pandemic, I gained experience using Zoom, both for online courses as a student and in my work with Valencia College to facilitate meetings and proctor assessments.
  • Multimedia in Instructional Systems Course

    Multimedia in Instructional Systems Course
    in 2021, I took Multimedia in Instructional Systems. During this course, I learned about HTML coding, recording audio with Audacity, and creating a course with Powerpoint. The following is a link to my portfolio website, which was created in Adobe Dreamweaver:
    My multimedia project: [](
  • Designing My First Course

    Designing My First Course
    When I worked for Valencia College in the Assessment department, I was asked to create a department training course in Canvas. Previously, training had been facilitated via manual and in-person shadowing. For the Canvas course, I realized only text on a screen wouldn’t be effective as we used different processes for different assessments; therefore, we used the Canvas plugin, Kaltura Capture, to record our screens and narrate the process being shown on-screen.
  • Current Technology Used

    Current Technology Used
    In my personal life, cell phone and internet use regularly plays a role. Right now, I find LinkedIn to be a great resource for professional development courses. I also follow/am connected with leaders in the field who post helpful content. In my professional life, I regularly use tools like Microsoft Teams, Adobe Captivate, Audacity and Camtasia SnagIt. I look forward to learning and using new technologies to facilitate awesome learning experiences!